1984/85: degree at the University of Milan. Degree thesis entitled “I pittori Martino e Albertino Piazza da Lodi”. Giulio Bora followed the writing. I got my degree together with Pierluigi De Vecchi and Laura Castelfranchi Vegas.
1986/87: scholarship at the Foundation for Art History “Roberto Longhi” in Florence.
Widespread and deep knowledge of Italy and works of arts in churches and galleries all around the Italian peninsula.
Knowledge of main sites and numerous series of paintings in Museums, Picture Galleries and Collections all over the world: in France, Switzerland, Norway, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovachia, Bulgary, Slovenia, Rumania, Greece, Turkey, Unites States of America, Brasil and Mexic.
1980/82: collaboration with the Museo del Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Section of printings collection A. Bertarelli to file the collection of majolica and engraivings.
1983/84: 7 months of scientific collaboration with a gallery of old paintings in Milan. Filing and study of the graphic material.
1986: assignement as artistic consultant for the gallery belonging to the Musei Civici in Lecco.
1986/89: filing of art works preserved in the parishes of Abbiategrasso, Affori, Quarto Oggiaro and Primaluna on behalf of the Bureau of Cultural Ecclesiatical Heritage in Milan.
1987: collaboration with the artistic review published on the weekly insert “Vivimilano” of Corriere della Sera.
1987: scientific collaboration to the writing of the exhibition catalogue “Il ‘600 a Bergamo”.
1987: member of the commitee in charge of drawing up the volume “Memorie di un architetto. Autobiografia e catalogo della raccolta di Giuseppe Bovara”.
1988: assignement as art consultant for the Musei Civici in Lecco, promoter and curator of a painting restoration program all over the area. Thanks to the FAI , the Italian Environment Fund, financial support restoration of altarpiece representing Saint Antony in Malavedo.
1988: filing of the paintings belonging to the Musei Civici in Sondrio. Attribution to Giovanni Francesco Romanelli of an unknown altarpiece.
1990: promoter of the association “Amici dei Musei” in Lecco.
1991: director of the six-monthly magazine called “Museovivo”.
1995/99: art expert for the monthly magazine “Carnet” publisched by De Agostini Rizzoli Periodici and author of the review entitled: “Le scoperte di Carnet”.
1995: Collaborator of the exhibition dedicated to the unknown masterpieces of Palazzo Pitti. Restoration of paintings from the XIV to XVIII centuries by Marco Chiarini and Angelo Tartuferi.
1996: Curator of the exhibition “I ritratti” that took place in Milan during the antiques fair.
1997: Curator of the exhibition “Disegni lombardi dal 500 all’800” that took place in Milan during the antiquarian fair.
1998: Collaborator of the exhibition “L’anima e il volto. Ritratto e fisiognomica da Leonardo a Bacon” Milan, Palazzo Reale, followed by Flavio Caroli.
2000: Curator of the exhibition “I piaceri della vita in Campagna” that took place in Belgioioso and in Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia.
2001: collaborator to the carrying out to the web site dedicated to the Museo di Palazzo d’Arco in Mantova. New attributions to some works belonging to the museum.
2003 collaborator to the carrying out to the web site dedicated to the Museo Diocesano in Mantova. New attributions to some works belonging to the museum.
Book reviews of some extensions on the ' Giornale di lecco'.
During the period in which I have carried out the activity of recording near the Collection of the Press to A.Bertarelli to the Sforzesco Castle of Milan, I have faced, in three articles appeared on the anniversary bulletin of the Museum "Rassegna di Studi e di Notizie", the analysis of some unknown aspects as far as the relationships elapsed between the recorded work and the realization in maiolica:
year 1980: in collaboration with G. Lise, "Prima indagine per l'iconografia di 'Leda e il Cigno' nelle stampe", I took care myself of the part dedicated to "Leda e la pittura" and to "Leda nella ceramica", pp. 179-229.
year 1981: "Alcune fonti iconografiche delle maioliche di Castelli d'Abruzzo", pp. 399-440.
year 1983: "Il dott. Francesco Antonio Grue riscoperto incisore", pp. 303-312.
1981: historical research work for the volume "Castelli e palazzi d'Italia", Milan 1982.
1982: cured the part dedicated to the manufacture of maioliche of the voice "Felice Clerici", for the Biographical Dictionary of the Italians, 1982, vol. XXVI, pp. 393-396.
1985: cured the catalogue of old master paintings for the extension "Disegni e dipinti di Antichi Maestri", for the Gallery of Enrico Cortona to Milan.
1986: essay on the jouth of Bernardino Luini from the title 'Il polittico di Maggianico e gli esordi di Bernardino Luini', in Archivi of Lecco, n. 1, January/March 1986, pp. 129-171.
1986: 'Carta di tornasole: la pala di Giovan Francesco Bembo con i Santi Stefano e Francesco', in Paragone, september 1986, n. 439, pp. 17-33.
1987: 'Un ritratto di Rosalba Carriera nella Pinacoteca di Cremona e un problema inerente la grafica' in Arte Veneta, year XLI (1987), pp. 155-158.
Due articoli relativi ai lavori di restauro degli affreschi della chiesa di San Dionigi a Valmadrera (Como), pubblicati sul Bollettino parrocchiale.
1987: "Nei dintorni del Ceruti: una nota sul Bonino", in F M R, n. 53, July/August 1987, pp. 76-79.
Curator of the relative part of the lodigiana painting from the end of the XV century to the XVIII century, "Pittura a Lodi. 1487 e oltre", in the volume Pittura tra Adda e Serio. Lodi Treviglio Caravaggio Crema, published from the Cariplo in Milan.
Article for the Bulletin of the Popular Bank of Lodi on the lodigiana painting between ' 400 and ' 500.
Collaboration with the catalogue of the extension "Il Seicento a Bergamo", Bergamo.
1988: 'La raccolta Bovara: i ricordi di un appassionato',, with the compilation of the short biographies of painters and scultors for the 'Dizionario dei personaggi citati nel manoscritto', in the volume Memories of an architect. Autobiography and Catalogue of the Collection of Giuseppe Bovara, Lecco, pp. 171-182 and 223-252.
Curator of the relative part to the painting pavian during the XVI century and of the foreigns presences in Pavia between the XVII and the XVIII century, for the volume Pittura a Pavia, published from the Cariplo in Milan.
'In margine al Seicento fiorentino: un'aggiunta al Bilivert', in Paragone, May 1989, n. 471, pp. 102-106.
Essay dedicated to the activity of Giovanni Agostino da Lodi, with new historical reasoning and interpretations and unknown paintings and designs that contribute to determine the chronology: ''Giovanni Agostino da Lodi ovvero l'Agostino di Bramantino: appunti per un unico percorso', in Paragone, July 1989, n. 473, pp. 23-61.
Author of one series of biographies of painters like Giuseppe Arcimboldi, Bramantino, Cesare da Sesto, Lorenzo Lotto, Bernardino and Aurelio Luini, Albertino, Martino and Callisto Piazza, Andrea Solario and others, for the volume the Cinquecento of the necklace dedicated to the Painting in Italy (Electa Milan).
Author of the relative cards to the four works of Giovanni Agostino da Lodi for the catalogue of the paintings of the Pinacoteca di Brera. Scuole lombarda e piemontese 1300-1535, Milan (Electa), pp. 30-34 e 337-342.
1989: curatore of the extension ‘Thèmes de l'Age Classique’, catalogue of Italian and French paintings of the XVI and XVII century by the Gallery Pardo, Paris.
Card for the three paintings of predella of Albertino Piazza to the Piemontesi and lombardic extension between the 1400's and the 1500's, catalogue edited by G. Romano, Galleria Antichi Maestri Pittori, Torino, pp. 80-85.
Collaborator to the catalogue of the extension "I Piazza da Lodi", that is itself entire straight, as far as first part, on the proposals from me formulated.
1990: 'Bernardo e Antonio Marinoni', in Osservatorio delle Arti, n. 4, pp. 50-57.
'Note su Marco d'Oggiono', in Lecco economia, news bulletin of the popular bank of Lecco, June 1990, pp. 42-48.
'Tra Polidoro e Boccaccino', in Osservatorio delle Arti, n. 5, pp. 51-54.
1991: curator of some cards and the study of the works for the extension of Christan Lapeyre and Gianni Minozzi, Una raccolta di disegni dipinti e sculture, Milan, 15 - 26 March.
Curator of the part of the catalogue relative to the pictures not exposed, for the extension 'Arte italiana del 300 e 400 nelle collezioni pubbliche e private della Svizzera e del Liechtenstein', Lugano, April-June, Villa Favorita, Thyssen foundation.
'Un nuovo ciclo del Fiammenghino a Gera Lario', in "Museovivo", year 1, n. 1, pp. 18-22.
'Un'artista da scoprire: Franco Alquati', in "Museovivo", year 1, n. 1, pp. 61-63.
Curator of the catalogue for the extention dedicated to Franco Alquati (Cremona 1924 - Lecco 1983), Lecco, June - July, civic Museum of Villa Manzoni.
'Due pannelli di Gerolamo di Benvenuto compagni dell'esemplare al Museo di Budapest', in "Bollettino del Museo di Budapest".
1992 Editorial and 'Il Settecento lombardo e Giuseppe Antonio Petrini. Considerazioni in margine a due mostre', in "Museovivo" n. 2, pp. 3-4 e 20-38.
'Appunti ferraresi: Una traccia per gli esordi estensi di Niccolò Pisano - Altri tasselli per il Garofalo', in "Paragone", n. 505-507.
'The Allentown Nativity. Giorgione to Agostino and vice-versa', in "Achademia Leonardi Vinci", V.
1993 'Per il censimento delle opere d'arte nella Provincia di Lecco', in "Museovivo", 3, pp. 4-16.
'Nuovi spunti per l'attività giovanile del Sodoma', in "Arte Cristiana", n. 757.
'Il primo Cinquecento', in "Pittura in Brianza e in Valsassina dall'Alto Medioevo al Neoclassicismo" published from the Cariplo in Milan.
'Divinità femminili del Giampietrino' and 'Echi profani in temi sacri', in "Achademia Leonardi Vinci", VI.
Collaboration to the catalogue of the extension "I ponti di Leonardo", curated by Carlo Pedretti and organised in Malmö, Stoccolma and Goteborg.
'Falsario leonardesco' in the volume "Sembrare e non essere. I falsi nell'arte e nella civiltà", edited by M.Jones and M.Spagnol, Milan Longanesi.
1994 study of the old paintings for the catalogue "Il museo negato. Cento opere dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Monza", extention created by P.Biscottini, Monza.
'Empoli e Vermiglio ritrovati' in "Studi di Storia dell'Arte in onore di Mina Gregori", Cinisello Balsamo.
'Per Altobello giovane', in "Arte Cristiana", n. 760, pp. 13-20.
'Alcune nuove tappe di Luigi Reali', in "Museovivo", n. 4.
Biographies of Polidoro da Caravaggio, Nicola Moietta, Fermo Ghisoni, Michelangelo Merisi e altri, for the Dictionary of the artists of Caravaggio and Treviglio, Bergamo, Bolis.
Cards of the paintings for the extension to the Company of Fine Arts, Milan.
1995: realization of the monthly survey "Le scoperte di Carnet" in which I have published unknown paintings or with new attributive proposals conserved in museums, private churches and collections.
1997: Due fratelli due differenti percorsi: Martino e Alberto Piazza, in “Studi di Storia dell’Arte”, pp. 69-184, anno VIII.
1998: realization of the essay ‘Il ritratto lombardo: natura del profondo’ and of 25 cards of paintings for the catalogue of the extention “Il volto e l’anima. Ritratto e fisiognomica da Leonardo a Bacon”, Milan, Royal Palace.
1999: Collaboration to the extention Twenty Important Neapolitan Baroque Paintings, Walpole Gallery, Londra, with scientific cards (nn. 2 I am the author of the card in spite of the error in the signature, 18, 19, 20 and the essay about the identification of the Master of the Announcement to the shepherds with Juan Do, pp. 91-93).
Presentation of the extension of Pierre Skira The Music is finished, Malberti Gallery, Monza.
2000: realization of the catalogue for the extention ‘I Piaceri della Vita in Campagna nell’arte dal XVI al XVIII’, with tests (“La natura e l’uomo, il gusto di vivere all’aperto”) and cards, Belgioioso (Pavia), Belgioioso Castle and Ariccia (Roma), chigi Palace.
Presentation of the extention of Vittorio Bellini "Pathos". Paintings and sculptures1998 - 1999, Michelangelo Gallery, Bergamo.
2003: Web site pubblication.
Lodi, 7 January 1987: conference about the painting around the town of Lodi at the beginning of the 6th century . The conference was held in Lodi at the Rotary Club.
Lecco, 6 November 1987: lesson about "l'arte del Rinascimento nei dipinti del Luini, del Civerchio e del Ferrari a Lecco", held for the University of the Third Age in Lecco.
Milan, 15 January 1988: guided tour for the F.A.I. section in Lecco of the exhibition "Disegni e dipinti leonardeschi nelle collezioni milanesi".
Colico, 19 February 1988: conference about some examples of painting in Lombardy at the beginning of the 6th century. The conference was held at the Rotary Club in Colico.
Florence, 5 March 1988, conference held during the afternoon dedicated to the discoveries of the 6th century in Florence at the Biblioteca Marucelliana. I showed the finding of the documented painting 'Cena in casa del Fariseo' by Giovanni Bilivert.
Milan, 15 April 1988, conference entitled: "Nuovi episodi di un artista di avanguardia" during the day dedicated to the studies about Giovanni Agostino da Lodi and the figurative culture in the North of Italy’.
Lodi, October 1989, guided tour for the of the F.A.I. section in Lecco of the exhibition about the painters Piazza.
Milan, 25 September 1990, conference: "Spunti sulla diffusione di un tema leonardesco tra Italia e Fiandra sino a Lanino" during the international convention on 'Il collezionismo dei leonardeschi a Milano e la Madonna Litta dell'Hermitage', organized by the Milan Municipality.
Gravedona, 4 December 1990, conference: "Piccolo rinascimento in Alto Lario, case, chiese e cicli pittorici".
Milan, 14 April 1991, guided tour for the F.A.I. section in Lecco of the exhibition about 'Settecento Lombardo'
Bergamo, 24 March 1992, conference: "Approccio alla pittura del Cinquecento" held at the Round Table Association in Bergamo.
Bassano, 14 November 1992, visit to the exhibition "Jacopo Bassano" as guide of the Associazione degli Industriali in Treviso.
Oggiono, 26 April 1994, presentation of the conservation treatment of the frescos by Marco d'Oggiono in the parish Church in Oggiono. The conservation treatment was financed by the Rotary club.
Florence, 14 March 1996, "Milano - Venezia 1500", lesson at the University degli studi.
Albino (Bergamo), 26 march 1998, "L'ampio raggio della bottega di Antonio Marinoni", lesson during the course of History of the art "Arte e territorio della Val Seriana al tempo di lorenzo Lotto", Library Hall.
Sondrio, 5 February 2004, intervention during the conference: "Fermo Stella da Caravaggio. Opere 1522 - 1536. Presenze in Valtellina".